NASSLLI is a one-week summer school aimed at formally-minded graduate students in Philosophy, Computer Science, Linguistics, Psychology, and related fields, especially students whose interests cross traditional boundaries between these domains. The summer school is loosely modeled on the long-running ESSLLI series in Europe; it consists of a number of courses and workshops which, by default, meet for 90 minutes on each of five days. 18-22 June, Austin, Texas.
Modality and Modalities (M&M2012) is a two day event on all things Modal Logical. This event will be held on Tuesday, 29th May and Wednesday, 30th May at the University of Copenhagen. Our keynote speakers: Max Cresswell and Adriane Rini. Special Tutorial Presentation by Valentin Goranko
The workshop "Philosophy and Computation" aims to be a platform for various discussions concerning the use of computability in philosophy (for example, how computational complexity constraints can contribute to explain human understanding) and also questions concerning the philosophical investigation of computation (like questions related to Church-Turing thesis).
Cross Perspectives on Proof Systems and their Significance
May 3, 2012 – ENS, 45 rue d'Ulm 75005 Paris Salle de séminaire du Cirphles, Département de Philosophie (sous-sol du pavillon Pasteur) ABSTRACT: Patrick Blackburn (University of Roskilde) Hybrid Proof Theory Abstract: In this talk I will discuss and motivate hybrid proof theory. Hybrid proof theory comes in a number of styles: I will try to make clear what is common to them all, but will concentrate on tableaux systems. Although this is a proof on truth theory, a lot of my observations will be semantic, since I believe the heart of hybrid proof theory to be the tools it offers for constructing Robinson diagrams. I shall try to indicate the flexibility this offers by noting both classical applications and recent work on indexicals. For the most part I shall examine the two basic tools offered by hybrid logic, nominals and @-operators, since these are two most relevant to hybrid proof theory. Time permitting, however, I may talk a little about the more powerful downarrow binder and it proof-theoretic impact. DE QUOI S'AGIT-IL?
La logique est une discipline qui remonte à la nuit des temps, mais ce qu'elle est exactement, en quoi elle consiste, quelles sont ses méthodes, comment elle s'est développée, cela n'est pas forcément clair. La Logique en Question est un atelier autour de la logique examinant ces questions et tentant d'y répondre. Entrée libre. Science & Cocktails er en foredragsserie der i 2010 blev arrangeret i et fællesskab mellem Teori og Praksis, Niels Bohr Instituttet på Københavns Universitet og fysikeren Jácome Armas. Anden række af Science & Cocktails er ført videre af Jácome Armas og Niels Bohr Instituttet og finder sted på Byens Lys på Christiania. Formålet med rækken er at bringe folk tættere på videnskabens verden, men i et miljø der ikke normalt forbindes med læring. Som led i denne tankegang sættes videnskab og cocktails sammen for at skabe en anderledes aftenkultur; en kultur, hvor viden og diskussion er den største attraktion.
Facebook page: --- What makes language work? Is language inherited or is it a learning process? Does it depend on biology? On culture? What species can have a language? Does it shape the way we look at the world? Patrick Blackburn will take you behind the scenes of your own mind. Language is the meeting point between the inner workings of the brain and the outer development of the world. Philosophy of mind, neuroscience of thought and theory of language by a logician who just arrived to Denmark. Later, Q&A, liquid nitrogen cooled down cocktails, are followed by the music concert of Rolf Hansen, singer songwriter, creator of the music project Il Tempo Gigante. Live Art by Henrik Schutze. Stockholm University
13 December 2011 Hybrid Logic and Henkin Models Patrick Blackburn University of Roskilde In this talk I will motivate and introduce hybrid logic, a form of modal logic in which reference to worlds (or times, or epistemic states) is possible via special atomic symbols called nominals. The idea traces back to work by Arthur Prior, the inventor of tense logic in the 1960s, and I shall briefly discuss some of Prior's concerns, though I will concentrate on contemporary approaches. But the main theme of the talk is to focus on the deductive effectiveness of hybrid logic, and I will do so by discussing how hybrid logic makes it possible to work with Henkin models. This is a novelty in modal logic, where canonical models are the standard technical tools for proving deductive completeness. But the approaches are quite different, and I shall attempt to convey the spirit of these differences and to make the generality of the Henkin approach clear. I won't be assuming prior knowledge of hybrid logic, nor much knowledge of modal logic either. The hybrid approach has a certain directness and, as it is closely related to familiar ideas and techniques from first-order logic, can be readily understood and appreciated. PROGRAM DEC 9
Kungshuset, Lundagard, Room 311 10.00 10.15 Welcome (Coffee from 9:45) 10.15 11.15 Chiara Lisciandra (Tilburg, w/ Stephan Hartmann & Ryan Muldoon): Pluralistic Ignorance: A Bayesian Account 11.15 12.15 Rogier De Langhe (Helsinki): Pluralistic Ignorance in Economic Theory 12.15 13.30 Lunch 13.30 14.30 Hans van Dithmarsch (Sevilla): Ignorance, Lies, and Cheap Talk 14.30 15.30 Stephan Hartmann (Tilburg, w/ Wlodek Rabinowicz): On the Aggregation of Value Judgments: An Epistemic Perspective 15.30 16.00 Coffee 16.00 17.00 Rouhallah Ramezanivarzaneh (Tehran): Justifiability Despite Belief Polarization: A Disagreement-Based Theory of Epistemic Justification 17.00 18.00 Merel Lefevere (Gent): Expert Responsibility and Moral Community: Economists and Uncertainty 19.15 Dinner (Kungshuset) DEC 10 9.45 Coffee 10.00 11.00 Jonathan Robson (Nottingham): A Social Epistemology of Aesthetics 11.10 12.10 Bert Baumgaertner (Davis): Modeling Echo Chambers 12.20 13.20 Rasmus K. Rendsvig (Roskilde): Qualitative Modeling of Informational Cascades 13.30 Lunch